Unfortunately that popularity comes with a downside. When everyone and their dog (I mean this quite literally...my Brewster Loves his Peace and Calming!) wants it, quite often there isn't enough to go around. Maybe this is more the case here in Canada than south of the border, but I know it's a hard one for me to keep stocked at home.
Whenever YL does have it, they put strict limits on ordering, and more often than not, it's just plain out of stock. To make things worse, even when they have it available it only comes in a 5 mL bottle, which is more costly than it would be in a 15 mL bottle.
The trouble seems to be the Blue Tansy. It's the same oil that causes shortages of Valor, which is possibly my most coveted blend.
For this reason when Jade Bloom had straight up Blue Tansy as a single oil, I scooped it up! (Hint, as of the publishing of this blog post, they have it back IN STOCK!)
If you don't have blue Tansy, you can try swapping it out for German Chamomile (or Young Living German Chamomile) as they have similar effects.
(check back in another post to come soon, about JB and some other companies I have come to trust)

The ingredients in Peace & Calming are:
Ylang ylang
Blue Tansy
So, since hubby has been really loving and using his wee bottle a lot lately, and I've had difficulty ordering it, I decided to try replicating it so we don't have to do without. Admittedly, this is not an exact blend. Comments from my hubby are that mine is sweeter smelling than YL. Comments from my kids are that they actually prefer my blend to the real thing. Makes sense because it smells sweeter. Figures. My daughter specifically commented that my blend "smells less like a grave yard. It smells less dusty". Well then....
My suspicion from these reviews is that a bit more patchouli, and perhaps a bit less wild orange, or even a switch to YL's orange (which I do have and love, but it's still sealed, so I used what I had open) would bring it closer to the real deal. Also this blend is DARK blue in stark contrast to the real McCoy, which is very pale, almost greenish and translucent. I have to say, I find them really similar, and though I'll add a few drops of Patchouli and switch to YL orange next time for hubby, I'm really very happy with how it came out. If you're pining for P&C and can't seem to get your hands on it, this is certainly a great jumping off point!! Into a 10mL bottle add the following:17 Drops Tangerine EO10 Drops Orange EO (I used wild orange from SPARK Naturals)6 Drops Ylang ylang EO5 Drops Patchouli EO3 Drops Blue Tansy EO (or German Chamomile)Swish the bottle to blend and fill the rest of the way with Fractionated coconut oil. I chose to use a roller bottle for easy application, but a dropper bottle does the trick as well. This makes roughly a 3.5% dilution, which is safe for topical application, even on children.
If you try it, tell us in the comments what you think of it. Does it come close enough to the real thing to help you bridge the gaps when Peace & Calming isn't available?
I've come up with a Stress Away knock off as well....that's coming soon! Stay tuned!!
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