Salt is bad right?
I used to think that, and an excess of any salt is not good, but the quality of your salt is critical.
Table salt is good for little more than lowering the freezing point of ice.
(For example if you're making ice cream and you need to get that ice even colder to freeze the cream. Go ahead and use your table salt for that, because it's not IN the recipe anyway!)
We are taught that salt is bad, and we need to restrict it. This seems a bit short-sighted however, when you understand that every single cell in the body requires salts to function properly. Again, an excess of anything is not good, and this holds true for salt as well, but the quality of salt is so much more important than many of us understand.
There are camps of people who believe the Gray Celtic Sea Salt is the best.
I have some and I like it for the flavour. I prefer it to table salt, but it's not one I use daily.
Regular sea salt I personally don't bother with anymore, though while I was transitioning from iodized table salt we did use it for some time. Given the choice between table salt and sea salt, the sea salt wins. But I don't buy regular sea salt, as our oceans are so polluted. Several hundred years ago, I bet it was a FANTASTIC salt to use, and had many life-giving properties. Today, I think there are better options.
For me and my family currently I buy Himalayan crystal salt. It has trace minerals, and is not from our modern day polluted oceans. It is from ancient seas that have dried out and left solid salt deposits; therefore it is free of modern pollution.
From the research I have done to date, it's the best choice for my family.
So, what is this "so-lay" (sole) stuff?
Sole is a saturated solution of pink himalayan crystal salts in spring water. It naturally creates a 26% salt solution as it dissolves at room temperature over several hours. There should always be solid salt left in the jar to ensure that it's a saturated solution. If all of the salt has dissolved, you need to add more, until you have some solid salt left in the bottom after several hours. This solution does not require refrigeration, or any preservative as the salt alone keeps the solution indefinitely.
I have been making and using sole (pronounced so-lay) for over a year now, and I love having it on hand for everything from seasoning food and beverages to drinking first thing in the morning with water to jumpstart my day, and even on occasion in warm water for a sore throat gargle.
Dr. Barbara Hendel, a German physician has a fantastic website with all sorts of information on salt therapies. I learned a lot from that site, but it's not available right now. I hope it will be back up and running again soon!
Here is how I make my sole.
I am using Barbara Hendel's Himalayan Crystal Salt purchased HERE.
This is a 250 mL glass canning jar, to which I've added a few crystal rocks of salt, and then you just pour spring water over it.
In time this dissolves and you have Sole! Ta-da!
I leave mine overnight, but it will only really take a few hours to come to a saturated solution.
I leave mine overnight, but it will only really take a few hours to come to a saturated solution.
I then decant the liquid sole into a dark amber dropper bottle because this way I can easily drop it into any dish or drink I'm making. Just use a teaspoon (or half teaspoon if you prefer) and 'calibrate' your dropper so you know how many droppers full you will need to get either a half or full teaspoon of sole for your morning water. To do this you use the dropper to fill the measuring spoon, and you'll know how many droppers it takes to get a full or half teaspoon.
I have used a 4 ounce amber bottle, and it takes three 'full' droppers to make 1/2 tsp of sole.
(a 'full' dropper is when you squeeze the bulb and fill the dropper, it never looks full, but it's considered a full dropper.)
I have used this to add minerals when I'm making switchel.
I find I have more stamina when I start my day with water and a half teaspoon of sole in it.
I'm generally rather camel like, so just increasing my fluid intake alone has helped with my energy levels, but I feel even better when there's sole in it, and I have tried it on several different occasions, plain water versus water with sole in it. Maybe for everyone it's not a noticible difference, but it is for me. I usually just use a half teaspoon though, and try to drink two glasses. For me a full teaspoon in a glass is more salty than I like.
I add a few drops to each green smoothie I make and I also add a few drops when I'm juicing veggie juices. It enhances the flavor and provides trace minerals. If you look at V8, it's full of salt, so I feel a few drops of my sole in my home juiced blend is more than a fair trade-off.
You can find a link to purchase her book writen with Peter Ferreira, a biophysicist HERE.
Please note, adding a spoonful of salt to your water is NOT the same thing, and Yes, you must use Pure Himalayan salt to make sole. Table salt is no good, and even sea salt is not the same thing.
Straight from the link below:
One teaspoon of Sole contains only 478 mg of Sodium - That’s equivalent to 20% of the USDA’s recommended daily maximum of 2,500 mg. Whereas 1 teaspoon of Original Himalayan Crystal Salt contains 2,292 mg of sodium! Adding Salt to Water Has Neither The Effects Nor The Benefits of Adding Sole to Water!
A step by step directly from the horses mouth can be found HERE.
So, do you think it's worth few minutes of your time this week to whip up a batch of sole?
Will you give it a try?
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